Ottawa Bach Choir presents Prelude-Europe 2022 in advance of prestigious invitation to Bachfest Leipzig 2022

April 1st, 2022

The JUNO award winning Ottawa Bach Choir (OBC) has been invited to the world’s most prestigious international Bach festival, Bachfest Leipzig 2022, as one of a select number of ensembles worldwide—and the only Canadian ensemble—to present the entire chorale cantata cycle of Bach, performing with the Pauliner Baroque Ensemble. As part of its fifth European tour this June, the choir also embarks on  A Bach Pilgrimage, following its two performances […]

Ottawa Bach Choir performs at Knox Presbyterian Church

March 31st, 2022

TAKE US BACH by Rachel Williams On March 12, the rehearsal room at Knox Presbyterian Church was filled with a flurry of excitement before showtime. With COVID-19 restrictions lifted, the Ottawa Bach choir was finally able to host in-person concerts again. Before, the Juno Award winning Ottawa Bach choir had to settle for virtual shows and pre-recorded events. “We are overjoyed to be back,” said Lisette Canton, the founder, artistic […]

Ottawa Bach Choir invited to Bachfest Leipzig 2022

March 20th, 2022

The JUNO award winning Ottawa Bach Choir (OBC) has been invited to the world’s most prestigious international Bach festival, Bachfest Leipzig 2022, as one of a select number of ensembles worldwide—and the only Canadian ensemble—to present the entire chorale cantata cycle of Bach, performing with the Pauliner Baroque Ensemble. As part of its fifth European tour, the choir also embarks on  A Bach Pilgrimage, following its two performances at Bachfest […]

Ottawa Bach Choir presents “French Baroque Treasures”

February 20th, 2022

The JUNO award winning Ottawa Bach Choir (OBC) presents the second concert of its 20th anniversary season, French Baroque Treasures, on Saturday, March 12, 2022, 8:00 PM, at Knox Presbyterian Church, 120 Lisgar Street, in Ottawa. Featuring glorious music from the French Baroque period, including Charpentier’s chef d’Ɠuvre, Missa assumpta est Maria and Dominus regnavit by Mondonville, the concert will be performed with organist Matthew Larkin and soloists from the choir. “We are excited […]

Ottawa Bach Choir Celebrates 20th Anniversary with Bach’s “Mass in B Minor”

October 25th, 2021

The JUNO award winning Ottawa Bach Choir (OBC) presents the first concert of its 20th anniversary season, Bach: Mass in B Minor, BWV 232, on Saturday, November 27, 2021, 7:30 PM, at Knox Presbyterian Church, 120 Lisgar Street, in Ottawa. Considered the greatest work of art of all times and people, Bach’s masterpiece will feature Ensemble Caprice baroque orchestra and Canadian soloists, soprano Meredith Hall, countertenor Nicholas Burns, tenor Nils […]

Ottawa Bach Choir Receives Trillium Resilient Communities Fund Grant

September 26th, 2021

Ottawa (Canada)- The Ottawa Bach Choir is pleased to have been awarded a Resilient Communities Fund Grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) to rebuild and recover from the impacts of COVID-19 and to support efforts in rebuilding resilience and capacity for the return of healthy vibrant communities. The Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) is an agency of the Government of Ontario, and one of Canada’s leading granting foundations. Last year, […]

COVID-19 RESPONSE for In-Person Concerts

September 21st, 2021

The OBC is thrilled to be able to gather safely once again, following all public health and safety protocols, and to continue singing together! The safety of our artists and patrons is our priority and we continue to work hard to create a safe space for all. In order to assist with our commitment to the well-being of our patrons, musicians, volunteers and staff, we are implementing protocols that address […]

Ottawa Bach Choir’s 20th anniversary season of spectacular choral music!

August 19th, 2021

The Ottawa Bach Choir (OBC) is excited to welcome you to its 20th anniversary season of stunning choral music! The professional ensemble has not only travelled the world and received national and international recognition, it also has many ‘firsts’ to its credit, including a recent JUNO award for our album Handel: Dixit Dominus, Bach & SchĂŒtz: Motets! The choir will record its eighth album this season and has been invited […]

The Great Canadian Giving Challenge – help OBC win $20,000!

June 8th, 2021

DONATE BETWEEN JUNE 1 AND JUNE 30, 2021 The Great Canadian Giving Challenge is a contest sponsored by CanadaHelps that will give the Ottawa Bach Choir a chance to win a $20,000 prize! Every dollar donated between June 1 and June 30 gives the choir another chance at winning the grand prize. All donations will receive a tax receipt issued by CanadaHelps on behalf of the Ottawa Bach Choir. Please consider giving through […]

OBC presents “Bach Motets” – postponed to October 2021

June 8th, 2021

The JUNO Award-winning Ottawa Bach Choir (OBC) will present the final concert of its 19th glorious season, Bach Motets, postponed to October 2021, in its new Digital Concert Hall. The concert features Bach’s brilliant Six Motets, including Singet dem Herrn, BWV 225; Der Geist hilft, BWV 226; Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227; FĂŒrchte dich nicht, BWV 228; Komm, Jesu, komm, BWV 229; and Lobet den Herrn, BWV 230; performed with […]

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