Concert Archives

2021-2022 Season

August 29th, 2022

The choir’s 20th anniversary season began with Bach’s Six Motets and 8th recording (postponed from May because of the pandemic), followed by Bach’s masterpiece, Mass in B minor, with Ensemble Caprice baroque orchestra and soloists Meredith Hall, Nicholas Burns, Nils Brown and David Pike. The next concert of French Baroque Treasures included Charpentier’s Missa Assumpta est Maria and Mondonville’s Dominus Regnavit, accompanied by organist Matthew Larkin, followed by Prélude Europe […]

2020-2021 Season

August 29th, 2022

For its 19th season, the choir was impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic and had to reimagine much of its season. It presented digital concerts, beginning with Hodie!, featuring festive repertoire for the season, including Britten’s Ceremony of Carols, and works by Renaissance, Baroque and Contemporary composers with organist Matthew Larkin and harpist Caroline Léonardelli, followed by The French Renaissance, featuring Jean Richafort’s Requiem, as well as chansons by Lassus, Certon […]

2019-2020 Season

April 14th, 2020

For its 18th season, the choir presented A Bach Christmas, featuring the Epiphany cantatas the choir will perform at Bachfest Leipzig 2020, BWV 124, 3 and 111, as well as the celebratory motet Singet dem Herrn and more, with Ensemble Caprice baroque orchestra and soloists, Meredith Hall, Nicholas Burns, Philippe Gagné and Andrew Mahon, followed by The Genius of Josquin, featuring his Missa Pange Lingua as well as magnificent motets […]

2018-2019 Season

August 5th, 2019

For its 17th season, the choir presented Christmas in Venice, featuring Monteverdi’s Christmas Vespers, along with works by baroque composers who worked at the prestigious St. Mark’s Basilica in Venice, with Ensemble Caprice baroque orchestra and soloists, followed by La Sainte-Chapelle, with works by prominent composers, de Sermisy, Certon, and Charpentier working at La Sainte Chapelle in Paris in the Renaissance and Baroque periods, and finally Mozart Celebration, including masterpieces […]

2017-2018 Season

August 5th, 2019

For its 16th season, the choir presented Nativity, featuring the premiere of Novum Canticum by Marc Langis, along with music for Christmas from the Renaissance, Baroque and Contemporary periods, accompanied by harpist Caroline Léonardelli and organist Matthew Larkin, followed by Victoria: Officium Defunctorum, featuring the masterpiece by the Renaissance composer, along with works by Palestrina, Allegri, and more, and finally Baroque passion, including Handel’s Dixit Dominus, Bach’s motet, Komm, Jesu, […]

2016-2017 Season

September 2nd, 2017

For its 15th anniversary season, the choir released its 6th CD, ‘Twas But Pure Love, with music for Christmas from the Renaissance, Baroque and Contemporary periods, with two recording premieres by Kelly-Marie Murphy and Matthew Larkin, accompanied by harpist Caroline Léonardelli and organist Jonathan Oldengarm. The first concert saw the launch of the CD, followed by Rossini: Sacred and Profane, featuring his Petite Messe Solennelle for two pianos and harmonium, […]

2015-2016 Season

September 2nd, 2017

This season saw the OBC perform Bach’s Mass in B Minor, in Ottawa and Toronto, Songs for Chamber Ensemble, with works by 19th and 20th century masters, including Ottawa’s Nicholas Piper, and two French masses – Charpentier’s Messe pour quatre chœurs and Langlais’ Messe solennelle. In April, the choir was invited to tour in China for the first time, performing as Canada’s choral representative in the prestigious festival, Meet in […]

2014-2015 Season

September 2nd, 2017

In this 13th season, the choir’s Subscription Series featured a performance in the Shenkman Arts Centre series in Orleans, Ontario, with the OBC singing Christmas Around the World, and it performed two other concerts, the masterpiece by Orlando di Lasso, Lagrime di San Pietro, and Now is the Month of Maying, highlighting madrigals and part-songs by Renaissance masters as well as Haydn’s 13 Part-Songs. The second Venetian Carnival gala performance […]

2013-2014 Season

September 30th, 2016

This season brought the choir to new heights on the local and international stages. Concerts in Ottawa included The Glory of the Baroque, celebrating inspirational music for the season of Advent with motets and cantatas by Telemann, J.C.F. Bach, Buxtehude, Charpentier and J.S. Bach. The choir explored the music of The Tudors: Hidden Ecstacies, performed reflective seasonal works in the Christmas concert, In the Still of the Night, introduced the popular […]

2012-2013 Season

September 30th, 2016

Over the past ten years, this professional choir has performed throughout the world and has been acclaimed on both the national and international levels. As the choir moved into its second decade after an amazing tenth anniversary, the choir presented Ein deutsches Requiem (A German Requiem) by Johannes Brahms, Masters of the Renaissance, which included a cappella works by two of the period’s most important composers, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina […]

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